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HR-Payroll Help Documents

Title Description Last Updated
B0214 VSL by Donor

The purpose of this Report Description is to explain how to generate a report of voluntary shared leave by donors in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. Report Description B0214 {A}.

B0215 FMLA Overview

The purpose of this Report Description is to provide information about total amount of FMLA leave, when eligibility begins and ends, the number of hours used, number of hours remaining, number of weeks used, and number of weeks remaining. Report Description B0215 {A}.

B0216 VSL Estimated Cost Summary by Agency

The purpose of this Report Description is to show the Received Shared Leave hours, hours donated to Shared Leave, and the associated hours estimated cost by agency. Report Description B0216.

BEN-01 1095-C FAQs

This Job Aid answers the most frequently asked questions about the 1095-C form. This form will contain detailed information about your personal health care coverage. Job Aid BEN-1 {A}.

BEN-02 Benefits Participation Report

This Job Aid provides a guide to running a Benefits Participation Report in the Integrated HR/Payroll System. This is not a BI report. The Benefits Participation Report can tell you in real time who in your organization (for whom you have security access) is enrolled in a specific plan(s). Job Aid BEN-2.

BEN-03 Benefits Adjustments (QLEs)

This Job Aid explains the types of Qualifying Life Events for Benefits Adjustments and what documentation is required. Job Aid BEN-03 {A}.

BEN-04 Benefits Program Groupings Summary QRG

This Job Aid shows all the Benefit Program Groupings and their respective FPG or SP codes. Job Aid BEN-04 {A}.

BEN-05 Benefits Infotypes

This Job Aid details the infotype screens utilized by the Benefits module in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. Job Aid BEN-05.

BEN-06 One-Time Deferral Guide

This Job Aid explains the one-time deferral process for 401k and 457 Deferred Compensation Savings Plans. Both 401k and Deferred Compensation Savings Plans are investment programs that employees can utilize to supplement their retirement income by contributing a portion of their monthly salary into the plan. Job Aid BEN-06 {A}.

BEN-07 Print Confirmation Statement

This Job Aid explains how to print the Benefits Confirmation Statement. Job Aid BEN-07.

BEN-08 Benefit Termination Letter

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to generate a benefits termination letter in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP BEN-08 {A}.

BEN-09 Continuation of Benefits During Leave of Absence

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to notify employees on leave of absence of continuation options for benefits. BPP BEN-09 {A}.

BEN-10 Eligible Employees Participation Report (HRBEN0071)

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to generate an eligible employees’ participation report in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP BEN-10 {A}.

BEN-11 Health Plan Not Yet Enrolled Letter

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain the process for generating Health Plan Not Yet Enrolled Letter in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP BEN-11 {A}.

BEN-12 Displaying HR Master Data for Benefits (PA20)

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to display various Benefit infotypes on a personnel number in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP BEN-12 {A}.

BEN-13 Participation Overview (HRBEN0006)

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to display benefits enrollment information for employees in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP BEN-13 {A}.

BEN-14 Participation Report (HRBEN0072)

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to display a list of employees participating in specific benefits plans in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP BEN-14 {A}.

BEN-15 ACA Reports - Coverage Option

The purpose of this Job Aid is to see a list of Temporary employees with a Stability/Coverage Period that includes a specific key date in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. Job Aid BEN15 {A}.

BEN-16 ACA Reports - Final Measurement Option

The purpose of this Job Aid is to see a list of Temporary employees in the Integrated HR-Payroll System who are newly eligible to enroll in the High Deductible Health Plan. Job Aid BEN-16 {A}.

BEN-17 ACA Reports - Period-To-Date Option

The purpose of this Job Aid is to see an estimate of Average Weekly Hours for Temporary employees who are in the middle of a Measurement Period. Job Aid BEN-17 {A}.

BEN-18 IT1 Contract Field & IT171 Eligibility Guide

The purpose of this Job Aid is to provide appropriate IT0001 work contract field and IT171 benefit program coding for Temporary employees. This includes Rehired Retiree Temps and Rehired Retiree PT-Perm/Prob/TmLtd employees to ensure appropriate ACA status and benefit eligibility. Job Aid BEN-18. 

Blank Crystal Reports Page

Problem: Occurs when attempting to access a Crystal Report.

Affects: Business Objects→ Crystal Reports

Cause: The Adobe Flash player add-on is disabled

Blank Fields Shown as Hash or Pound in WEBI

Null characters in the database are shown as ‘#’ (Hash) in WEBI reports. We will see how to display them as a space in this document.

BOBJ-1 FFCRA Absence/Attendance Type By Employee

The purpose of this Job Aid is to generate report B0205: Time Leveling Exceptions Report (Planned Time vs. 2001/2002) with modifications to allow quick and effective tracking of State of Emergency and COVID related Attendance/Absence codes. After modification the report will display uses of the State of Emergency and COVID related Attendance/Absence codes. Job Aid BOBJ-1 {A}.

BOBJ-2 BOBJ Report Scheduler

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how to schedule a BOBJ report in the Integrated HR-Payroll System Reports cannot be scheduled directly from the Public Folders. Job Aid BOBJ-2 {A}.