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HR-Payroll Help Documents

Title Description Last Updated
TM-23 Recovering Liability Leave Owed

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how to recover liability leave owed in the Integrated HR/Payroll System. Job Aid TM-23.

TM-24 Stop Holiday Premium

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how to stop holiday premium pay in the Integrated HR/Payroll System. Job Aid TM-24.

TM-25 Time Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of this Job Aid is to answer frequently asked questions about Time. Job Aid TM-25 {A}.

TM-26 Special Bonus FY19-20 and Vacation Rollover

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how Special Bonus FY19-20 may affect the calculation of vacation leave that would normally convert to Sick Leave on January 1. Job Aid TM-26 {A}.

TM-27 2013 Special Leave Quota 55

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain special leave quota 55 including eligibility, accrual, usage, payout, error handling, and reporting. Job Aid TM-27 {A}.

TM-28 Time Recording and Employee Separations

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain time recording and employee separations and what the Time Admin needs to do. Job Aid TM-28 {A}.

TM-29 Time Recording and Employee Checklist

The purpose of this Job Aid is to provide an end-of-period checklist for time recording for time administrators. Job Aid TM-29 {A}.

TM-30 CAT2 Comp Balance Check when Recording Bonus Leave

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how the CAT2 Comp Balance Check for bonus leave works. Job Aid TM-30.

TM-31 Time Admin Quick Reference Guide

The purpose of this Job Aid is to provide a quick reference to Attendance/Absence (A/A) Types (see TM-03 for full descriptions), common transaction types, daily work schedules for substitutions, a visual of the leave hierarchy for approved leave, and a minutes/decimals conversion for time entry. Job Aid TM-31 {A}.

TM-32 Time Approver

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain the time approver process, transactions for time approvers, as well as provide a list of attendance/absence (A/A) types. Job Aid TM-32 {A}.

TM-33 Time Entry Overview

The purpose of this Job Aid is to give an overview of time entry in the Integrated HR-Payroll System and describes positive time/actual pay, positive time/exception pay, and negative time pay. Job Aid TM-33 {A}.

TM-34 OSC HR-Payroll Time Sheet

OSC HR-Payroll Time Sheet. Job Aid TM-34.

TM-35 Timesheet Icons in SAP CAT2

The purpose of this Job Aid is to provide a sample of and description of timesheet icons used in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. Job Aid TM-35.

TM-36 Time Statement - ZNC Time

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how to access and read the time statement. Job Aid TM-36.

TM-37 FMLA Entitlement Calculator

The purpose of this Job Aid is to assist agencies that do not use the FMLA workbench in the Integrated HR-PY System. It helps to determine the number of entitlement hours for a FMLA event for both full time and part time employees. Job Aid TM-37.

TM-38 Voluntary Shared Leave Refund Calculator

The purpose of this Job Aid is to assist in calculating the number of Voluntary Shared Leave hours which are to be returned to active donors at a prorata basis at the end of the recipient's medical condition. If donor contributed 10% of the overall total, then active donor will receive 10% of the remaining balance. Inactive donors are not eligible. Prorated amounts not returned to inactive donors should be disbursed to remaining active donors. Job Aid TM-38.

TM-39 VSL Quick Reference

The purpose of this Job Aid is to provide a quick reference plus tips and reminders for voluntary shared leave (VSL). Job Aid TM-39.

TM-40 Working Weeks

This Job Aid is intended to provide a listing of working weeks. Job Aid TM-40.

TM-41 Work Schedule Rule Finder

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain the Work Schedule Rule finder search tool to find work schedules on IT0007 via the WSR Finder button. Job Aid TM-41.

TM-42 CAT2 28 Day Profile

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how the data entered in the Key date field may display an inaccurate total of the time entry/overtime for a 28-day overtime period when the NORML-28 Data Entry Profile is selected. Job Aid TM-42 {A}.

TM-43 CAT2 Comp Balance Check when Recording Adverse Weather Leave

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain the CAT2 Comp Balance Check and how it will work when adverse weather is recorded.

With the changes to the Adverse Weather policy effective 1/1/2015, an employee is not allowed to use Adverse Weather Leave if the employee has available Comp Leave.

A validation in the CAT2 will prevent a Time Admin from keying Adverse Weather Leave (A/A 9545) in the timesheet if there is an available balance in any of the Comp Leave quotas for the requesting employee. The validation considers current balances and also takes into account any Approved Leave keyed prior to the A/A 9545 entry on the timesheet. Job Aid TM-43.

TM-44 PT-ERL00 Liability Leave Time Evaluation Messages

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain the Liability Leave Time Evaluation Messages viewable on transaction PT_ERL00.  Job Aid TM-44 {A}.

TM-45 Time Learning Lab 2012

Time Learning Lab 2012. Job Aid TM-45.

TM-46 Communicable Disease Emergency Mandatory Comp

The purpose of this Job Aid is to provide a reference to CDE Worked – Mandatory Comp and the supporting Integrated HY-Payroll System behavior that includes attendance types, accruals, time transfer specifications, payout, error handling, and reporting. Job Aid TM-46 {A}.

TM-47 PTFMLA Processing FMLA Events

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to enter an FML transaction in the Integrated HR-Payroll System.  BPP TM-47 {A}.