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HR-Payroll Help Documents

Title Description Last Updated
PER-50 Workers' Comp BEACON Actions and Reasons Summary Chart

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain the actions, reasons, and benefits for each type of workers’ compensation situation. Job Aid PER-50.

PER-51 Transfer Action Guide

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain which transfer action to use with each type of transfer. Job Aid PER-51 {A}. 

PER-52 Promotion Action Guide

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain which actions to use for each type of promotion. Job Aid PER-52.

PER-53 How to Cancel a PCR

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how to cancel a PCR. Job Aid PER-53.

PER-54 Reinstatement Reemployment Action Guide

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how to handle a reemployment vs. a reinstatement. Job Aid PER-54 {A}.

PER-57 Copying Notes from the PCR to Infotypes

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to copy notes from the PCR to Infotypes. BPP PER-57.

PER-58 Create Time Specification Employ Period

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to create time specification/employ periods in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-58.

PER-59 Creating Delimiting Reserve on Wage Maintenance (IT0052)

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to create and/or maintain reserve balances on Infotype 0052 – Wage Maintenance in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-59.

PER-60 Maintain HR Master Data

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to maintain HR master data to correct a mistake on an employee’s master record in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-60.

PER-61 Appointment Change Action

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to complete an appointment change action in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-61 {A}.

PER-63 Cancel Salary Adjustment Action

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a Cancel Salary Adjustment in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-63.

PER-64 Career Progression Action

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a Career Progression in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-64 {A}.

PER-65 Demotion Action

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a Demotion Action in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-65 {A}.

PER-66 PA Workflow ZPAA076 Investigatory With Pay Action

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process an Investigatory with Pay Action in the Integrated HR-Payroll System.

PER-67 LOA General

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a Leave of Absence in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-67.

PER-68 LOA Military

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a Leave of Absence for military in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-68.

PER-69 LOA Short Term Disability

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a Leave of Absence for Short Term Disability in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-69.

PER-70 LOA Workers Comp

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a Leave of Action for Workers’ Compensation in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-70.

PER-71 New Hire Action

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a New Hire Action in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-71.

PER-72 New Hire Action National Guard

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a new hire action – National Guard in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-72.

PER-73 Non Beacon to Beacon Action

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process an action where a person is transferring from a non-Beacon agency to a Beacon agency. BPP PER-73.

PER-74 Promotion Action

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a promotion in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-74 {A}.

PER-75 Range Revision Action

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a Range Revision in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-75.

PER-76 Reallocation Action

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a Reallocation in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-76.

PER-77 Reinstatement Action from LOA Workers Comp

The purpose of this Business Process Procedure is to explain how to process a Reinstatement/Reemployment from Workers’ Comp in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP PER-77.