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HR-Payroll System Security Roles

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The Office of the State Controller takes security very seriously. We see each person who receives a security role as a "Guardian of North Carolina's Data."  To receive an Integrated HR-Payroll System security role, please complete the following in order: 

  1. Submit a Security Request via the Agency Data Owner to create/change roles assigned to an employee's position.
  3. Complete the required training classes. Class registration priority is given to those with outstanding security role requests. If the requested role is inquiry only, then class completion is not required but highly recommended.
Security roles define:
  • What activities users may perform in the Integrated HR-Payroll System.
  • The data users have authority to create and view based on your organization, agency and level.
  • Required training to obtain the role.

Below are the Security Roles for the State of North Carolina's Integrated HR-Payroll System.


Agency Data Owners
Data Owner Handbook
HR-Payroll System Course Listing

Title Description
Agency Position Funding Approver The Agency Position Funding Approver role allows the user to approve position actions involving changes to position salary (creation of new positions and salary adjustments).
Benefits Display Overview The Display Benefits role runs and views reports that are related to benefit selection and ongoing administration. This role can view benefit-related information but does not have the ability to update employees’ benefit information. A person getting this role should be someone that communicates benefit enrollment schedules.
Charge Object Maintainer The Charge Object Maintainer role creates and manages the agency-specific charge objects that are available for employees to charge their time to within their agencies.
Display Organization Managemement The Display Organizational Management role has the ability to display the organization structure, positions and jobs within the organization, along with the employees that have been assigned to the positions.
Display Payroll The Display Payroll role has the ability to display payroll results, W-4 withholding, payroll journal and payday calendar.
FMLA Event Maintainer The FMLA Event Maintainer role establishes and maintains Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) reasons. Also generates FMLA records that are used by the Leave Administrator to assign FMLA and Family Illness Leave (FIL) reasons.
Grievance Maintainer The Grievance Maintainer role has the ability to maintain grievances on employee master records.
HR Master Data Approver The HR Master Data Approver role has the ability to approve HR Master Data Maintainer actions pertaining to employees including hiring, separating, promoting, demoting, or reassignment information for employees.  This role also approves reallocation, transfer, work against, longevity pay, leave of absence and return from leave of absence information.  Note:  Holders of this role cannot maintain his or her own information using the transactions associated with this role; ESS must be used.
HR Master Data Maintainer The HR Master Data Maintainer role has the ability to maintain employee master data and perform employee actions including hiring, separating, promoting, demoting, or reassignment information for employees.  This role also maintains reallocation, transfer, work against, longevity pay, leave of absence and return from leave of absence information within SAP.
Leave Administration The Leave Administration role manages employee leave and leave balances. This role has the ability to make adjustments to absence quotas for “Advanced Sick Leave” and “Advanced Vacation Time,” and manages Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Family Illness Leave (FIL), and shared leave programs.  This role can also create manual adjustments to leave balances as required.
OM Position Approver The Position Approver role allows an HR Professional to approve the creation of a new position or changes to an existing position for an organization.
OM Position Requestor The Position Requestor role allows an HR Professional to create new positions and make changes to existing positions for an organization.
Payroll Administration The Payroll Administration role maintains payroll master data for employee records including deductions and earnings wage types. This role also acts as a liaison between agency employees and BEST Shared Services.
Short-Term Disability Specialist The Short-Term Disability Specialist role receives the appropriate documentation from employees requesting short-term disability. This role also allows users to process an employee’s short-term disability request and determine the appropriate leave action.
Time Administrator The Time Administrator role is responsible for entering time for employees without Employee Self Service (ESS), time evaluation, review of time evaluation results, requesting configuration changes in regards to SAP, and supporting the management of substitutions and on-calls. This role also has the ability to make corrections on timesheets that have already been approved.