About This Role | Obtaining This Role |
The HR Master Data Maintainer role has the ability to maintain employee master data and perform employee actions including hiring, separating, promoting, demoting, or reassignment information for employees. This role also maintains reallocation, transfer, work against, longevity pay, leave of absence and return from leave of absence information within SAP. Tasks/Responsibilities:
| A Security Request must be submitted by the Agency's Data Owner to create/change roles assigned to an employee's position. The required training classes must be completed before the position gains security access to the requested role.
Recommended training:
Additional roles added with HR Master Data Maintainer:
- Display Benefits
- Display Org Management
- Display Non-Sensitive HR
- Display Salary Pay Grade
- Display Time
- Workflow
Role Conflicts:
Those assigned this role should not be assigned the following roles to prevent conflicts of interests and to allow for segregation of duties:
- HR Master Data Approver
- Agency Position Funding Approver
- Payroll Administration