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2021 OSC Financial Conference

Decorative Image with text "2021 Financial Conference"

I am pleased to announce that on December 14 and 15, 2021, the Office of the State Controller will host its annual Financial Conference for Chief Fiscal Officers and agency designated representatives.  In respect for everyone’s safety and the importance of social distancing, this conference will be presented virtually rather than in person.  This virtual conference will include topics such as the fiscal condition of states, economic outlook for the State and nation, professional development, and updates from State Budget and the NC Pandemic Recovery Office, State Controller and State Auditor.  

In addition, the recipients of the State Controller’s Fiscal Integrity Award and the Internal Audit Award of Excellence will be announced during the conference. Attendance will qualify for up to eight hours of CPE credit. The course description is attached for your review. Instructor biographies are available on the Office of the State Controller's website.

The registration fee is $30 per attendee.  To register for this conference, visit the Office of the State Controller's website.  Please register as soon as possible, as the registration deadline is Tuesday, December 7, 2021.  Payments must be made on or before this date.  After this date, no requests for refunds will be considered.  Please refer to OSC’s registration policies for more information regarding refunds, cancellations, or complaints. 

Payment can be made by credit card or electronic transfer in the North Carolina Financial System (NCFS) to the Office of the State Controller. Agencies should register attendees individually (with separate email addresses). Agencies using NCFS can submit one payment to cover all registration fees if all necessary notations have been made.  

If you are paying by electronic transfer, please follow the instructions below: 

  • NCAS agencies:  Use IGO vendor number 561611588-03.  For the cash transfer, in the NCFS Notes field, you must include the following for proper processing:  full names of all attendees and reference 2021 OSC Financial Conference.  If this information is not included in the Notes field, the transfer will be rejected in NCFS.
  • Non-NCAS agencies paying through NCFS:  Use agency number 1400 for payment.  In the NCFS Notes field, you must include the following for proper processing:  full names of all attendees and reference 2021 OSC Financial Conference.  If this information is not included in the Notes field, the transfer will be rejected in NCFS.

If you have questions, please contact Jan Prevo at  We look forward to your participation in the conference and thank you for your service to our State.

Linda Combs, State Controller


December 14 and 15, 2021 | 8:10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day


Web-based Virtual Conference 

Learning Objectives:    

To gain an understanding of recent topics of interest including the fiscal condition of states, State and national economic outlook, professional development, and updates from State Budget and the NC Pandemic Recovery Office, State Auditor, and State Controller.  


December 14, 2021

  • Fiscal Condition of the States
  • State Auditor Updates
  • Leading a Virtual Team

December 15, 2021

  • Economic Update
  • Self-Care and Mindfulness: Core Leadership Competencies
  • State Budget and NC Pandemic Recovery Office (NCPRO) Update
  • State Controller Updates - Financial Backbone Replacement Project


CPE Credit Offered:         

Up to eight hours

Fields of Study:     

Accounting - Governmental, Economics, Auditing - Governmental, Information Technology, Finance, Behavioral Ethics, and Personal Development


Available in advance on the Office of the State Controller's website

Instructional Delivery Method:         

Group internet based


Must be employed by a State agency or institution that is part of the State financial reporting entity (i.e., an entity included in the State’s Comprehensive Financial Report)

Advance Preparation:  




DEVELOPERS:  NASBO | OSA | Dr. Holly Speaks LLC | NCSU | Galasso Learning Solutions | OSBM | NCPRO | OSC

SPONSOR:  NC Office of the State Controller


December 14, 2021 (Printable Agenda)
8:10 – 8:15 Call to Order - Michael Euliss, Office of the State Controller,
Communications/Government Relations/Training Director
8:15 – 8:25 Opening Remarks – Dr. Linda Combs, State Controller
8:25 – 9:25 State of the States - Shelby Kerns, NASBO Executive Director
9:25 – 9:40 Break
9:40 - 10:40 State Auditor Update - Beth Wood, State Auditor 
10:40 - 10:50 Break
10:50 - 12:00 Leading a Virtual Team - Dr. Holly Sullenger, Dr. Holly Speaks LLC
Closing Remarks - Michael Euliss, Office of the State Controller
December 15, 2021
8:10 - 8:15 Call to Order - Michael Euliss, Office of the State Controller
8:15 - 9:15 Economic Update - Dr. Michael Walden, NC State University
9:15 - 9:30 Break
9:30 - 10:20 Self-Care and Mindfulness: Core Leadership Competencies
Melisa Galasso, Galasso Learning Solutions
10:20 - 10:30 Internal Audit Award of Excellence Presentation
Fiscal Integrity Award Presentation
10:30 - 10:40 Break
10:40 - 11:30 State Budget and NC Pandemic Recovery Office (NCPRO) Update
Charlie Perusse, State Budget Director
Stephanie McGarrah, Executive Director NCPRO
11:30 - 12:00 Financial Backbone Replacement (FBR) Project
David Lloyd, OSC FBR Program Director
Clayton Darnell, OSC FBR Program Business Lead
Libby Coley, OSC FBR Organization Change Management Lead
Closing Remarks – Michael Euliss, Office of the State Controller



Online Webinar



Day 1

8:10 AM - 12:00 PM

Day 2

8:10 AM - 12:00 PM