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Uniform North Carolina Accounting System

1100.08 - State Disbursing Policy - North Carolina Accounting System (NCAS) Check Printing

In order to print NCAS checks, the agency user must have a NCID account that is part of the EADS domain. This NCID account is managed by Department of Information Technology (DIT). If an agency is not part of the EADS domain, OSC will create an OSC NCID for this user to be used only for the CSeries software. In addition, the user will be given a CSeries ID in order to access the check printing software. The CSeries ID is assigned by a CSeries administrator at OSC.

107.04 - Statewide Accounting Policy - NCAS and CMCS Security

The provisions set forth in this “General” section apply to all means of access to any information or application designated as a functionality or component of the North Carolina Accounting System (NCAS) or Cash Management Control System (CMCS), under the management and operation of the Office of the State Controller (OSC) or any State agency assigned these responsibilities.

107.01 - Statewide Accounting Policy - Responsibility for the Uniform NCAS

The Office of the State Controller (OSC) is responsible for the uniform NCAS and related subsystems, which maintain timely, reliable, accurate, consistent, and complete accounting information on the State of North Carolina government entity. The uniform NCAS includes the financial policies, procedures, and computer software that affect all departments and agencies of the State.

107.02 - Statewide Accounting Policy - General Ledger Standards

Each state agency is responsible for maintaining a complete general ledger and supporting subsystems for all funds and accounts for which it has responsibility. All financial transactions should be posted in detail in accordance with the prescribed statewide uniform chart of accounts and approved NCAS accounting policies and procedures. The ledgers should be posted, balanced, and reconciled at least monthly; however, it is strongly recommended that all agencies move toward more frequent updates with the ultimate goal of daily update cycles. On-line NCAS agencies will follow the prescribed procedures for the NCAS on-line general ledger.