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Statewide Financial Reporting

105.07 - Statewide Accounting Policy - Leases and SBITAs

This policy establishes the capitalization threshold for lessees that report leases and Subscription-Based IT Arrangements (SBITAs) under GASB Statement 87, Leases, and GASB Statement 96, SBITAs. The Procedures section below discusses incremental borrowing rates for lessors and lessees when an interest rate is not explicitly stated in a leasing or subscription contract or when an implicit rate cannot be determined.

105.06 - Statewide Accounting Policy - Foundations

GASB Statement No. 39 impacts colleges and universities that have foundations and similarly affiliated organizations whose financial data is not currently blended in the institution's annual report. These organizations must be included as part of the institution's financial reporting entity (i.e., as discretely presented component units) if they are found to be "significant." The University of North Carolina General Administration and the Community College System Office have established a uniform threshold for identifying which organizations are "significant." Under this threshold, organizations whose assets or revenues are 5% or greater of the institution's assets or revenues will be considered "significant" to the institution.