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1100 State Disbursing

1100.08 - State Disbursing Policy - North Carolina Accounting System (NCAS) Check Printing

In order to print NCAS checks, the agency user must have a NCID account that is part of the EADS domain. This NCID account is managed by Department of Information Technology (DIT). If an agency is not part of the EADS domain, OSC will create an OSC NCID for this user to be used only for the CSeries software. In addition, the user will be given a CSeries ID in order to access the check printing software. The CSeries ID is assigned by a CSeries administrator at OSC.

1100.07 - State Disbursing Policy - General Obligation Bond, Special Indebtedness and Two Thirds General Obligation Bonds, Transfers, and Disbursements

General Obligation (GO) bond proceeds must be invested by the State Treasurer and Special Indebtedness (SI) and Two Thirds General Obligation Bonds (Two Thirds GO) proceeds must be held by the Trustee until they are required for expenditure. In addition, funds derived from these three sources must be disbursed to contractors within 24 hours of receipt to prevent violation of federal arbitrage laws. To insure compliance with both of these Department of State Treasurer requirements, the Office of the State Controller has established the following procedures, which must be followed when requisitioning funds or preparing transfers.

1100.06 - State Disbursing Policy - Expenditures in Emergency Situations

State agencies are often required to deploy employees to areas affected by disaster whether caused by nature or event. State agencies must be prepared to provide employees with food, lodging and other applicable subsistence in situations where basic necessities are not available. The state agency shall use the state administered procurement card for purchases to the fullest extent possible. The procurement card is accepted similar to VISA and MasterCard nationwide. The procurement card transactions are reconciled monthly and provide sound internal controls over purchases. The procurement card is administered by the NC Department of Administration. All policies established shall be followed.

1100.05 - State Disbursing Policy - Collection and Depositing of Processing Fees for Returned Checks Except Those Offered in Payment of Taxes

“A processing fee” is not to exceed thirty-five dollars ($35.00), may be charged and collected for checks on which payment has been refused by the payor bank because of insufficient funds or because the drawer did not have an account at that bank if at the time the consumer presented the check to the person.

1100.03 - State Disbursing Policy - Distribution of Payroll Warrants Drawn on the State Treasurer

To ensure that payroll funds remain on deposit with the State Treasurer and available for investment until the payroll due date and that funds are on deposit to cover the payroll disbursement, under no circumstances shall a payroll warrant be issued to an employee that would allow the employee to cash the warrant prior to payday. This policy shall apply to all State payroll disbursements.