The State Controller, with the advice and assistance of the State Treasurer, the State Budget Officer and the State Auditor, is charged with developing and implementing a uniform statewide plan to carry out the cash management policy for all State agencies, departments and institutions. This Statewide Cash Management Plan outlines the policies, duties, responsibilities and requirements for cash management within State government on a broad basis. It is the responsibility of each agency, department and institution to prepare a cash management plan that meets both the requirements of the Statewide Plan and the unique cash management needs of the individual agency, department or institution. When used in this policy, "State agency" means any agency, institution, bureau, board, commission or officer of the State; however, except as provided in G.S. 147-86.12, 147-86.13, 147-86.14, and 147-86.22, this policy does not apply to the agencies, institutions, bureaus, boards, commissions and officers of the General Court of Justice as defined in Article IV of the North Carolina Constitution or to the local school administrative units and community colleges and their officers and employees.