All State entities should perform proper payroll reconciliations.
Consistent reconciliation processes are a key internal control for the payroll function and must be performed by agencies that participate in the NC HR/Payroll System, and by universities, community colleges, and agencies that operate their own payroll system. Reconciliation procedures and system controls should provide assurance that errors are properly identified, and that payroll costs and deductions are correctly calculated. This includes but is not limited to a review of error and warning indicators, preliminary payroll results, final payroll totals, and general ledger postings.
NC HR/Payroll System
During system payroll correction periods, agencies should review preliminary payroll results which are updated three times daily.
In addition, after the NC HR/Payroll Systems results are finalized, agencies should reconcile the payroll expenses from the system to the amounts posted in the Cash Management Control System (CMCS) and North Carolina Accounting System (NCAS) or other general ledger.
Accounting Guidance
Related Documents (Memo/Forms)
G.S. 143B-426.39 Powers and Duties of the State Controller
NC HR-Payroll System - Preliminary Payroll Review
NC HR-Payroll System Financial Reconciliation Process
Revision History
- 12/15/2016 - update website links
- 1/22/2025 - Formatted for new ncosc.gov website