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111XXX-11RXXX - Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Pooled Cash

Cash and Cash Equivalents

This account subgroup includes cash on deposit with financial institutions. It also includes undeposited cash for change funds and petty cash funds.

111110 Cash on Hand

This account includes cash on hand used by the agency for change funds and petty cash funds. It also includes undeposited receipts of the agency at year end.

111120 Cash in Bank - Noninterest Bearing Checking Accounts

This account is to be used when an agency has a regular noninterest bearing checking account at a financial institution.

NOTE: Also, any Institutional Trust Funds on deposit at State Treasurer will be automatically recorded by the North Carolina Accounting System to Account 111120. At year end the amount of Institutional Trust Fund cash on deposit with State Treasurer should be reclassified from Account 111120 to Account 111220.

111130 Cash in Bank - Interest Bearing Accounts

This includes the following types of accounts:

  • Cash in Bank - Interest Bearing Checking Accounts
  • This account is to be used when an agency has a regular interest bearing checking account at a financial institution.
  • Cash in Bank - Savings Accounts
  • This account is to be used when an agency has a savings account at a financial institution. Savings accounts are time deposits. Generally, passbook savings accounts are regarded as readily available funds even though banks are authorized to require up to 30 days notice of withdrawal.
  • Cash in Bank - Negotiable Order of Withdrawal Accounts (NOW Accounts)
  • This account is to be used when an agency or university has a NOW account at a bank or saving and loan institution. NOW accounts are time deposits. NOW accounts are, in effect, interest-bearing checking accounts.
  • Cash in Bank - Money Market Accounts
  • This account is to be used when an agency has a Money Market Account at a financial institution. Money Market Accounts are time deposits. Money Market accounts usually require a minimum of $1,000 and only three checks may be drawn per month, although unlimited transfers may be carried out at an automatic teller machine. The funds are considered liquid--that is, they are available to depositors at any time without penalty. These accounts are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

111140 Cash in Bank- Pooled Cash Accounts

This account is to be used by Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) only. This control represents their pooled trust funds at a financial institution in which funds held in trust are invested in one account and the interest is prorated to the individual trust account in the pool (e.g. Clerk of Court Investment Pools). These accounts are subject to federal insurance.

111190 Cash in Bank - Other Accounts

This account is to be used when an agency has an account at a financial institution and it does not meet the definition of one of the above identified accounts.

112121 Cash with Fiscal Agent

Residual cash, along with various investments, are components of an investment account maintained by a fiscal agent. Residual cash is that minor portion of the account which is not invested or any particular moment in time. Residual cash is not the amount of total funds given to the fiscal agent for investing. This account is used only for the residual cash that the fiscal agent does not have tied up in investments at June 30.

Pooled Cash

This account subgroup contains cash accounts in the State Treasurer's Temporary Investment Funds (STIF) and other Cash Pools.

111210 Liquid Asset Fund

This account contains the short-term cash investment pool called the Liquid Asset Fund (LAF) operated by the State Treasurer. Local Government apply for LAF Accounts on a voluntary basis.

111220 State Treasurer's Short-Term Investment Fund (STIF)

STIF accounts are interest bearing accounts established directly with the Treasurer's Office. Agency funds eligible for STIF Accounts are not subject to the executive Budget Act. Participants in the pool are allocated interest based upon their average daily balance in the fund.

111230 Cash Carried Forward

This account includes amounts authorized by the Office of State Budget and Management as a cash carry forward of funds to the next fiscal year. Checks are drawn payable to the agency and are deposited to the credit of that agency on the first day of the next fiscal year.

111231 Cash Carry Forward-Department of Public Instruction

To be used by DPI to record the cash carry forward of the 11th and 12th month teacher salaries.

111232 Cash Carry Forward-Unappropriated

To be used by agencies to record an accrual entry for unappropriated monies carried forward at June 30th.

111240 General Fund Revenue Cash

This account represents the General Fund cash balance. The use of this account is restricted to agencies that record general fund cash in tax and nontax budget codes (199XX).

111250 Cash in Disbursing Account

This account serves as a clearing account for checks written by agencies. The balance in the account should always be zero. The residual cash balance in the disbursing accounts at the State Treasurer normally represents uncleared checks.

111255 Cash in Disbursing Account (Accrual)

To be used by the Public School Capital Building Fund and the Critical School Facilities Needs Fund to record 13th month activity.

111260 Budget Code Cash

This account represents cash recorded in all budget codes, except for institutional funds, general fund, and capital improvement funds. The budget code cash may earn interest if legally mandated.

111270 Cash in Allotment Account

This account represents funds on deposit in the State Treasury which are available for expenditures by an agency for authorized purposes. The Office of State Budget and Management authorizes, through quarterly allotments, amounts agencies may expend from appropriations. All balances in the Cash in Allotment Account should revert to the General Fund at year end, except for those balances in the 4XXXX Capital Projects budget code.

111280 Unallotted State Appropriations for Capital Improvements

This account represents an agency's share of revenues which have been appropriated from the State's General Fund by the Legislature for capital improvements but have not been released by the Office of State Budget and Management.

111290 Bond Proceeds Cash Adjustment

This account is used to convert the budgetary bond transactions in the capital projects budget codes to GAAP basis.

Cash & Cash Equivalents, & Pooled Cash - Current Restricted

See the Restricted Assets Policy for a comprehensive definition and the policy on restricted assets. When restricted assets are being used to repay maturing debt or other accrued liabilities, the appropriate portion of each should be treated as a current asset and a current liability. To report the debt as current, but the restricted assets that will be used to repay it as noncurrent, would distort working capital.

11R110 Cash on Hand

11R120 Cash in Bank - Noninterest Bearing Checking Accounts

11R121 Cash with Fiscal Agent

11R130 Cash in Bank - Interest Bearing Accounts

11R190 Cash in Bank - Other Accounts

11R220 State Treasurer's Short-Term Investment Fund (STIF)

11R260 Budget Code Cash

11R270 Cash in Allotment Account

11R280 Unallotted State Appropriations for Capital Improvements

11R290 Bond Proceeds Cash Adjustment