Welcome to the State Employees Salary Database
What information is provided in the database? This database contains the names, job titles, position titles, and salaries of active permanent and temporary employees of the State of North Carolina who are paid through the Integrated HR-Payroll System. Please note that the following entities are not paid through the North Carolina Integrated HR-Payroll System: county employees, teachers, community college employees, university employees, and General Assembly employees.
How frequently is the data updated? The data provided in this database is updated on the first business day of each month and represents the employee's salary and title as of that day.
What if I have questions about an employee's salary or other personnel information? If you believe that information about a particular employee is inaccurate, or if you have other questions about the information provided in the database, you may contact the HR department at the employee's agency to verify the employee's salary.
Why do we publish this data? Employee salaries are public record, and this tool improves access and transparency as to how taxpayer and public funds are being used.