Beginning cash: General fund cash and investments on deposit with the State Treasurer.
Receipts: Deposit of funds by agency
Tax and Nontax receipts – Revenues generated from taxes levied in accordance with general statutes. Non tax revenues are specific funds identified to support general fund appropriations such as General Court of Justice Fees and Earnings on State Treasurer’s Investments.
Disbursements: Withdrawal of funds by agency
Payroll - Expenditures incurred for services rendered by permanent and temporary employees and the related fringe benefits including Local Educational Authorities, Community College System, UNC System, State Agencies
State Aid: Allocations or distributions of funds to direct recipients, providers or other agencies for some designated program, assistance or special project.
Medicaid/Other Provider Payments: payments to pharmacies, physicians, hospitals, nursing homes etc. that provide services for Medicaid programs.
Tax Refunds: disbursements due to overpayment of tax revenue to the State and disbursements for the local government share of the various tax revenue collected by the State such as sales and use tax
Debt Service – payments related to debt management
General Operating – expenditures for the operations of state agencies, universities, and community college system
Reserved cash: Designates the portion of cash which has been set aside by the legislature for a specific purpose and is generally unavailable to finance appropriation expenditures.
Due to Local Governments – Sales and use Tax Payable: Estimate of monthly distribution to the local government units based upon daily sales tax receipts. General Statute 105472, 105-486, 105-501, 105-510,105-520, 105-538
Tax Refunds Payable: Estimate of tax refunds available for disbursement 143B-426.39
Interfund payable: Authorized transfer of funds from non general fund budget codes
Other Tax Liabilities
Reserve for Beverage Tax Distributions General Statute 105-113.82
Reserve for Solid Waste Disposal Tax Distributions General Statute 105-187.63 Reserve for Scrap Tire Tax Distributions General Statute 105-187.19
Reserve for White Goods Tax Distributions General Statute 105-187.24
Savings Reserve: General Statute 143C-4-2 (otherwise known as the Rainy Day Fund)
Other Reserves:
Reserve for Repairs and Renovations - General Statute 143C-4-3
Reserve for Job Development Incentive Grants – General Statute 143-15.3 E
Reserve for Disaster Relief - Session Law 2005-1 Senate Bill 7
Unreserved cash: Cash available to finance appropriation expenditures