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Department/Division Numbers and Group IDs

Dept/Div Group ID Agency Name
1000 LE General Assembly
2000 AO  Adm Office of the Courts
3000 GO Governor
3010 HF Housing Finance Agency
3100 AD Lt. Governor's Office
3200  SA Secretary of State
3300 AU State Auditor
3410 TR State Treasurer
3510 PE Public Instruction
3600 DJ  Justice
3700  AG Agriculture
3800 LA Labor
3900  IN Insurance
4100 AD Administration
4160 CN State Controller
4170 CN DCAP
4200 DT Highway
4260  MV Motor Vehicles
4300 NR EHNR
4350 WR Wildlife
4401 AB ADATC - Black Mountain
4403 GR ADATC - Greenville 
4404 SC NC Special Care Center
4406  BM Black Mountain Center 
4410  SO  DHR - Administration 
4411 DA  Division of Aging 
4420 CD Division of Child Development 
4424  DB Deaf & Hard of Hearing - 
4440 SS Social Services 
4441  DS  Disability Determination 
4445 MA  Medical Assistance 
4450 BS Services for the Blind 
4460 MH  Mental Health 
4462 DD  Dorothea Dix Hospital 
4463 BR Broughton Hospital 
4464 CH Cherry Hospital 
4465 UM John Umstead Hospital 
4466 WC Western Carolina Center
4467 OB O'Berry Center 
4468  MC Murdoch Center 
4469 CA Caswell Center 
4470 FS  Facility Services 
4480 VR Vocational Rehab 
4490 YS Youth Services 
4500  CR Corrections 
4600 CM Commerce 
4650  CM Employment Security Commission 
4700  RV Revenue 
4800 CU Cultural Resources 
4900 CC Crime Control/Public Safety
6010 GA   UNC -Gen Administration 
6020  UN UNC - Chapel Hill 
6030 SU NC State University 
6040 UG UNC - Greensboro 
6050 UC UNC - Charlotte 
6055 UA UNC - Asheville 
6060 UW  UNC - Wilmington 
6065 EC  East Carolina University 
6070  AT NC A&T State University
6075 WU Western Carolina University 
6080  AS  Appalachian State Univ 
6082 PU Pembroke State University 
6084 WS Winston-Salem State Univ 
6086 ES Elizabeth City State Univ 
6088  FU  Fayetteville State University 
6090 NC NC Central University 
6092 AR School of the Arts 
6094 SM School of Science & Math 
6095 ME UNC Hospitals 
6800  CO Community Colleges 
8025  BE Bd of Elections 
8210 AH Office of Adm Hearings 
8410 MM Major Medical 
9973 CI Approp. Return to Gen. Fund 
9978  Intra-State Transfer