Dept/Div | Group ID | Agency Name |
1000 | LE | General Assembly |
2000 | AO | Adm Office of the Courts |
3000 | GO | Governor |
3010 | HF | Housing Finance Agency |
3100 | AD | Lt. Governor's Office |
3200 | SA | Secretary of State |
3300 | AU | State Auditor |
3410 | TR | State Treasurer |
3510 | PE | Public Instruction |
3600 | DJ | Justice |
3700 | AG | Agriculture |
3800 | LA | Labor |
3900 | IN | Insurance |
4100 | AD | Administration |
4160 | CN | State Controller |
4170 | CN | DCAP |
4200 | DT | Highway |
4260 | MV | Motor Vehicles |
4300 | NR | EHNR |
4350 | WR | Wildlife |
4401 | AB | ADATC - Black Mountain |
4403 | GR | ADATC - Greenville |
4404 | SC | NC Special Care Center |
4406 | BM | Black Mountain Center |
4410 | SO | DHR - Administration |
4411 | DA | Division of Aging |
4420 | CD | Division of Child Development |
4424 | DB | Deaf & Hard of Hearing - |
4440 | SS | Social Services |
4441 | DS | Disability Determination |
4445 | MA | Medical Assistance |
4450 | BS | Services for the Blind |
4460 | MH | Mental Health |
4462 | DD | Dorothea Dix Hospital |
4463 | BR | Broughton Hospital |
4464 | CH | Cherry Hospital |
4465 | UM | John Umstead Hospital |
4466 | WC | Western Carolina Center |
4467 | OB | O'Berry Center |
4468 | MC | Murdoch Center |
4469 | CA | Caswell Center |
4470 | FS | Facility Services |
4480 | VR | Vocational Rehab |
4490 | YS | Youth Services |
4500 | CR | Corrections |
4600 | CM | Commerce |
4650 | CM | Employment Security Commission |
4700 | RV | Revenue |
4800 | CU | Cultural Resources |
4900 | CC | Crime Control/Public Safety |
6010 | GA | UNC -Gen Administration |
6020 | UN | UNC - Chapel Hill |
6030 | SU | NC State University |
6040 | UG | UNC - Greensboro |
6050 | UC | UNC - Charlotte |
6055 | UA | UNC - Asheville |
6060 | UW | UNC - Wilmington |
6065 | EC | East Carolina University |
6070 | AT | NC A&T State University |
6075 | WU | Western Carolina University |
6080 | AS | Appalachian State Univ |
6082 | PU | Pembroke State University |
6084 | WS | Winston-Salem State Univ |
6086 | ES | Elizabeth City State Univ |
6088 | FU | Fayetteville State University |
6090 | NC | NC Central University |
6092 | AR | School of the Arts |
6094 | SM | School of Science & Math |
6095 | ME | UNC Hospitals |
6800 | CO | Community Colleges |
8025 | BE | Bd of Elections |
8210 | AH | Office of Adm Hearings |
8410 | MM | Major Medical |
9973 | CI Approp. Return to Gen. Fund | |
9978 | Intra-State Transfer |